Here is an example of how to have High Level Fun:
Responsibly create BIGGER problems in your life than your current Thoughtware can bring back to normal.
Low Level Fun?
child ego state, parent ego state, gremlin ego state, demon ego state
Human beings are designed to create and experience High Level Fun together. Without being Initiated into how to create High Level Fun, we end up creating Low Level Fun instead:
- the kind of 'humor' that leaves you with scars in your heart
- the kind of insults and evil jokes that force you to numb yourself afterwards so you can try to forget it
- victim actions that grant you permission to get revenge...
in other words: the USUAL.
High Level Fun?
free and natural adult ego state, archetypal ego state
High Level Fun is the UNUSUAL, the extraordinary, the exquisite, the delightful.
High Level Fun heals, transforms, and inspires:
- through exploration and Discovery
- through people making Unreasonable requests and helping each other fulfill them
- through people Taking A Stand for what they take a stand for
- through people Creating new Gameworlds that make existing gameworlds irrelevant.
If a child makes a mess, who cleans it up? The parents.
If a Possibilitator makes a mess, they are Radically Responsible for cleaning it up, so they can make huge messes, the kinds of messes that happen when inventing new culture, new society, new economics, new government, new values, and a new future.
High Level Ecstasy
Modern culture languages are abundant in expressions that describe ecstatic Low Drama Gremlin-feeding sensations, such as guilt, shame, depression, complaining, resentment, envy, self-hatred, being right, betrayal, superiority, being wounded, being oppressed, sarcasm, greed, etc.
However, modern culture languages have only rudimentary terms to express High Drama Possibilitator-creation ecstasy sensations.
Here are Archearchal terms for High Drama ecstasy, extracted from the online Distinctionary:
'Bigarrreh' is the ecstasy of breaking rules and creating new spaces, of making outrageous promises and keeping them, especially for the benefit of other people's evolution (such as Pirate Agreements). Bigarre derives from the archearchal expression: "Harbigarrr!" which a Possibilitator may be heard to Declare while making outrageous Commitment in the face of insurmountable odds, such as leaping through a Doorway into Nothingness, encountering the Uninitiated modern culture Male, or upgrading Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) on a global scale. Harbigarrr! is always spelled with a capital H, with three 'R's', and with an exclamation point at the end!
'Clarone' is the ecstasy of using your Sword Of Clarity to land exquisitely precise and powerfully useful Distinctions, either in your Client's Matrix, or in the Context of a transformational Space or an evolutionary Gameworld.
Clarone is experiencing a resonance with that newly emergent refinement or elegance, which serves as a bridge into further and probably unexplored or unmapped regions of Archearchy.
'Froyen' is the ecstasy of consciously entering Archetypal intensity of Fear for no reason, and allowing the electricity to course through your nerves, spinal cord, and brain, exactly where it belongs. This is ecstasy of the Fear that gets unleashed during Stellating Fear (igniting maximum intensity archetypal fear).
'Hoemai' is the ecstatic joyful disbelief that shivers your spine while you are making bold actions and speaking out fiercely from the Adult or Archetypal Ego State even while being tsunamied with head-to-toe sensations of 100% intensity Conscious Fear. The Fear turns into coordinated energy and intelligence, allowing you to move, see details, and speak in ways that you are sure are impossible for your Box!
'Jargonia' is the ecstasy of inventing definitions for new terminology, (such as what I am experiencing right now writing out these definitions...).
Jargonia is also the ecstasy of giving WorkTalks, Writing Articles, Writing Scripts, Writing Up Healing or Transformational Processes, or Writing A Book in which you use Memetic Writing to archive transformational Distinctions in the Global Ethnosphere for the benefit of all Beings everywhere.
'Kajan' is the ecstasy of experiencing and applying pure unhindered Archetypal Anger right NOW to create new actions and positive change in the world. You feel like coming home to your own irreducible Authority, your Real Voice. The clouds blow away from your eyes. You accurately face into current reality - however it looks. A Dragon Speaks unhindered directly from your soul. You take effective actions that make the differences that you care about. You watch yourself taking actions to create the world your heart knows is possible.
'Nohahven' is the ecstasy of jacking-in to the unknown as an endless resource for Invention. You find yourself utterly supported in groundlessness, even though you do not have wings. There is no certainty in this condition, and yet the massive uncertainty itself is what grants so much freedom of movement, guaranteeing an abundance of Possibility. You Notice an awe-inspiringly tiny NOW in which you breathe and improvise to create whatever is wanted and needed.
'Ohmanna' is the ecstatic experience of Discovering something you did not know that you did not know about before. It is the 5 Body sensations of bathing in new field of Possibility. Of course, the Possibility was already there, ready and waiting to be permitted to offer you its gifts. When your perception fog is blown away and you become Disillusioned, or you remove a Block, or gain a Distinction, then Voila! Ohmanna! ...an often-reported ecstasy while exploring in the evolutionary field of Possibility Management.
'Quibblish' is the the ecstasy of being joyously and willingly in zero gravity, such as in certain endless kisses, riding on the Silver Star and after that the Blue Fire roller coasters at Europa Park in southern Germany, tasting Clinton Callahan's Mom's World' Best Chocolate Brownies fresh out of the over, or of groundless orgasm. This is the ecstasy of discovering and directly Experiencing what Pema Chodron said: "The nature of reality is groundlessness."
'Sliv' is the ecstasy of tasting something utterly delicious or fundamentally important which you cannot describe in comparison with other tastes. Sliv is the awakening of 'new taste', getting to experience something astonishingly new that is without comparison. It could arise when stepping back into the cool fragrant air after participating in your first Sweat Lodge, or Noticing that the tropical fruit Durian tastes delicious even if it smells awful. While taking various herbal medicines, Sliv arises when the bitter aftertaste is replaced by the refreshing energy of newly awakened health.
'Sping' is the ecstasy of finding yourself being fully Present and functionally Attentive in a NOW so small, it fits on the point of a pin. This is the mythical tiny-ness that qualifies you to slip easily through the eye of a needle, so of course, Heaven opens up to you. You occupy so little space that there is no room for heavy baggage such as Stories, Reactivity, Judgement, Resentment, Projections, Conclusions, etc., which means you find yourself able to 'make right-angle turns at light-speed'.
'Swasheen' is the ecstasy experienced in deeply creative collaborating together on a committed Team of Edgeworkers in the Context of Radical Responsibility, without competition, projections, excuses, inferiority, jealousy, or Reactivity. Swasheen is the Yellow Stuff ripples of Archetypal Love during a Discovery Journey.
'Vohna' is the ecstasy of heartwarming Being-to-Being connection with somebody in the Present, or a memory of this experience from your past. There are also legends of Vohna, and films depicting Vohna, such as Groundhog Day, As Good As It Gets, Don Juan de Marco, The Fifth Element, As It Is In Heaven, and so on.
'Zlang' is the ecstasy of successfully scratching an itch or fulfilling an urge, like purchasing a particular book that you have been longing to read, lighting your first candle on your freshly- made Muse Altar, or finally registering for Rage Club or an Expand The Box training.
High Level Fun Experiments
Make it High Level Fun to Create Low Drama as Theatre
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.01
When people are together at a Possibility Team or on Halloween or another social occasion, there is an opportunity to do this experiment. You can do this experiment in stead of doing something like charades.
To do the experiment make a team of three, with two of the people in the team who have a charge between them. These two go on stage in front of a bigger audience, and act out their Low Drama, consciously, as High Level Fun. In full four-feeling exaggerated expression, have them act it out, not as a subtle thing, but as an obviously low drama thing.
The third person gives feedback and coaching, like a director in a theatre, so they don't leave out the juicy parts.
As many teams of three can do this experiment as will fit in the time of the gathering.
Each person from each team of three, when one 'act' has been performed, can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.01 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Make a Pirate Agreement Commitment About Your Sloppiness
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.02
For the next Possibility Team or 3-Cell team meeting, everyone has to bring 100Euros/$ in cash to get in on the game.
In groups of three, share about what is sloppy in your lives. Then find a commitment each person could make right now that is slightly over their edge.
For example:
- show up at least three minutes early to every meeting space for the next month
- clean out one closet in your house each week until each closet it cleaned out
- clean your car once a month for the next three months
- build and altar to your muse, including fresh flowers, and take care of it for a whole month
Create measurable, straightforward Pirate Agreements: Person A makes their agreement with Person B, and Person B makes theirs with Person C and Person C makes theirs with Person A. Write then down, take photos of the agreements and send them to each other. Mark dates in calendars.
The Pirate Agreement is that each person will give the hundred Euros/$ cash to their pirate partner, and if they do not do the agreement, by the agreed date, the partner keeps the money.
Set up a call on the final date for each agreement, to find out if the money is kept or given back.
When each person has either got their money back or not, they can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.02 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points, even if you broke your Pirate Agreement. You still built Matrix.
High Level Fun Discovery
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.03
When there is a a big project that scares the shit out of you and you can't do alone, you can create an experience of High Level Fun Discovery.
Call a meeting on or offline with 3-6 people max.
The purpose of the meeting is for you to put the project on the table, the one that it is in your heart but that has too many variables for you to figure out on your own. For the first 10 minutes, describe your vision, using your conscious anger, Dragon Speaking.
Then open the floor to ideas, possibilities, anything.
One rule is you can't say no to any of the ideas.
Create a creative collaborative "yes, and..." conversation for one hour about your project.
After the meeting, each person can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.03 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Secret Meeting of Geniuses
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.04
In your Possibility Team or as a special meeting, have each person come as one of their heroes, fictional or real, who is a genius in service to humanity, Gaia, evolution.
Shift identity into that character, dress up, and begin the meeting.
In this secret meeting of transformation agents, changemakers, the idea is to upgrade the future of humanity. Ask anything of any of the other people who are at this secret meeting of geniuses.
Make plans that are implementable that these characters can do and then commit to doing them together, as a team, for one month.
Set up any additional meetings, chat groups or events as decided.
At the end of the month, create a way to celebrate what happened.
Then each person can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.04 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Shift to High Drama
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.05
This experiment is about shifting onto High Drama from Low Drama, so you can do it in your life.
With a group of three, as part of a Possibility Team or another group, one person brings a low drama from their life.
With a timer set for 15 minutes, this person tells the story of the low drama again, shifting into High Drama. The second person writes down the ways they see the person shift. The third person can also coach the first person, giving more tips and hints about how to shift into High Drama. The second person can write those down too.
Have each person take a 15 minute turn going from Low Drama to High Drama, while the others write down how they did it, and add possibilities.
At the end of the meeting, each person can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.05 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Send us the list of ways to shift: General Memetics (annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com)
Call the Dangerous People
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.06
Do this experiment with 2-4 other people.
Make a list in your BEEP! Book of 5 people you are afraid to talk to and what you want to talk to them about.
Get out your phones. One by one, make the calls.
Your team can coach you while you make the call. Make the call, talk about what you want to talk about, and wrap it up.
You will need your conscious Gremlin to do what your Box can't do.
When you have made your five calls, and coached at least 2 others through five calls, each person can enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.06 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
High Level Fun Birthday
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.07
Every day is your birthday.
Gather a group of 3-4 friends, minimum and plan a whole day of edgework and high level fun adventures.
It might include, for example, roller coaster rides, a tour of a chocolate factory, or another factory where you can go in and find out how stuff is made. Sing songs for people on the bus or train as you travel. Hold doors open for each other. Host a pop-up Rage Club Introduction in the park. Find ways to make it High Level Fun.
When you get home, for at least 20 minutes, write about the day in your BEEP! Book, the distinctions that made the day High Level Fun.
Then enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.07 in you free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Another High Level Fun Birthday
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.08
Good thing every day is your Birthday.
Go with four people to a Very Nice Restaurant, dressed to the hilt, maybe as your Archetypal Lineage, and order samples of all kinds of food, especially foods you have never eaten before.
Notice what happens when the other people in the restaurant, the patrons and staff, and what happens when High Level Fun is happening.
After desert, talk together about what you noticed about the distinction of High Level Fun. What makes it happen? What shifts it out?
Each person can write about their reflections in their BEEP! Books and enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.08 in their free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
High Level Fun High Off the Ground
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.09
Go with a team and do a ropes course, as a team. Cheer each other on, celebrate Winning Happening.
Let Conscious Fear get bigger and hold space so the information of it can come through.
Don't be a Looking Good team, be a Learning Team.
Then each enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
High Level Fun Possibility Couchsurfing Trip
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.10
Plan a minimum of a three month trip where you visit Possibility Managers around the world and stay a max of 10 days in each place.
Figure out the purpose of each stop in the trip: How are you going to serve the people to make their time with you complete high level fun?
Make it so that the legend precedes you to the next house, even though they don't know what you are going to do.
After three months, enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 20 Matrix Points.
Appreciate Your Enemy
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.11
High Level Fun is even possible with your enemies.
Pick your top 3 enemies.
In your BEEP! Book write the three stories you have that makes each person your enemy.
Tell the story to a friend.
Then, make an appointment, hopefully in person, with your enemy; if not, as a video call, and appreciate the hell out of them for about 3 minutes.
This is not about apologizing, and it is not about the pain you created about making them your enemy.
Appreciate the qualities of their being that have nothing to do with your story about how they are your enemy.
Just forget about that for this experiment, go in and deliver the communication to them that you see through their whole personality and why Gaia is glad they are alive on planet earth. Not you opinion. Why ECCO is glad they are alive.
Then say: "Thanks for letting me tell you this, I have been carrying this around for a while deep in me." And leave.
Do this with all three of your enemies.
Then tell your friend how it went.
Then enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Plant the First Tree of an Edible Forest
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.12
Wherever you are in the world there are certain kinds of trees that grow fruits or nuts.
Go to a local nursery store and buy as many of the trees you can.
Then take them to places where people go by, and plant them, so that other people who come by it will benefit from the fruits and nuts.
You don't have to "have a garden" or "have land" or to have a Permaculture Design Certificate to plant the first tree of an edible forest.
If you don't have a way to transport the trees, find a way that involves some other people. If you don't have tools, borrow whatever shovels or wheel barrows it takes to do the experiment. Become committed!
If people come by when you are planting it, tell them that you create edible forests.
Make it part of you resume.
Enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz for every 3 fruit or nut trees you plant.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
The High Level Fun of GameWorld Creation
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.13
Build a Next Culture game world that has never been invented, a gameworld that solves problems.
Have it include Training Projects, Writing Projects, different meeting technologies, Thoughtware Upgrade Centers, Intimacy Cafes, Possibility Cafes.
Create a Codex for it, and for each of it's parts, experiment with it and ask for feedback and experiment more, implementing the feedback so it works better.
When you have been experimenting with this gameworld for 6 months, enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 20 Matrix Points.
The High Level Fun of Replacing Yourself
Matrix Code HILEVFUN.14
Give away a Gameworld you have created to someone else. Empower them to take your place in Holding Space and Navigating Space in your previous post in the Gameworld. Make sure they are jacked-in to the Inner Resources and Outer Resources that are needed for the job.
Find out how to do it by doing it. Then teach others how to do it. Make it part of your Gameworld Context to Replace Yourself!
Then enter Matrix Code HILEVFUN.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 8 Matrix Points.
Then go build a new gameworld.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code HILEVFUN.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!